You may recognize him as the crazy, ridge-running dude taking our Runner’s High 2n1 to new heights. But Ryan Moss is just as skilled behind the lens as he is in front of it. Whether it’s in the water at maxing Tahiti reef passes, or climbing advanced routes in Joshua Tree, Moss lives the inspired life and documents those who thrive in a similar vein.
Knowing that “It Begins With What’s BN3TH,” we asked Moss to share a few of his favorite pics to give us a glimpse BN3TH The Surface. We’re proud to “support” such an inspirational man.

"A few years back, I spent three months down in Tahiti surfing Teahupoo," Moss said. "When I caught that wave it was probably one of the top five waves of my life. Then I ended up getting a bigger and scarier one later in the trip."

Joshua Tree, self portrait. "This was my first trip to Joshua Tree and really my first climbing trip ever," Moss said. "I had only been climbing for a very brief moment in my life leading up to that trip. Definitely the scariest photo I’ve ever been a subject for. It ended up being a semi-finalist for the Red Bull Illume contest and made it in their coffee table book."

"This Milky Way shot was on my first trip to Tavarua, Fiji," Moss said. "I went with Billy Kemper and Albee Layer and they were just cruising so I started messing around shooting the sky through palm fronds. When I'm in tropical places at night, I always love to look up into the night sky."

"This was our first trip to Yosemite together as husband and wife," Moss said. "It was her first real time climbing outdoors and that was extra special because it was the first place I learned to climb multi-pitches. It’s just a special place for me and was really cool to share that with her."

"This was at Backdoor Pipeline in 2004 when I was going to University of Hawaii," Moss said. "It was my first time shooting water; I had a little Sony camera in a water housing. I ended up getting a really killer clip of Shane Dorian and I was super psyched on it. That kinda kicked it off for me for my love of water photography."