Rad Dads - Dai Manuel

Everybody knows a Rad Dad: a role model, teacher, coach, best friend, mentor and hero. This Fathers Day, we want to share some of our favourite Rad Dads with you.


What drives you to be a Rad Dad?

I've had my fair share of struggles. I was young when my eldest was born. I was 25, my wife was 23, and we were the first of our friends and social networks to have a child... we wanted children early, but I don't think I was fully aware of the what impact my daughters would have in my life until the day I first became 'dad'. Up until I was 32, I struggled with alcohol and drug abuse. Everything changed for me when my wife asked me a question - "Are you being the type of man you would want to marry your daughter(s)?" That shifted everything! I want to be the best role model of a man as I can for my girls.


Are you passing on your passions to your kid(s)?

Yes, some of my passions have definitely shifted into their lives. The passion for travel, self-development, embracing challenges as opportunities, and craving the collection (and crafting)  of amazing experiences over that of 'stuff'. My daughters have also embraced my passion for living happy, healthy lifestyles. They are active, confident, and lead by example as amazing role models to their friends and communities. BUT! One of the coolest things is that my wife, Christie, and I do our best to create the space for our girls to go after the things that excite them in life -- encouraging them to 'go for whatever they want' and be present for the journey aka process. Chardonae has a passion for theatre, improv, creative writing, and reading, while Brie loves connection with community/friends, playing volleyball, gymnastics, sewing, painting, and being a positive influence on her friends' lives. 


What hopes do you have for your child/children for their future?

I hope that they never stop chasing their passions, their dreams, and continue to find meaning in their amazing lives. As well, I hope they find a reason to smile each and every day while embracing a life of continued growth, adventure, and passion.



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